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MK Clinic

MK Clinic

Medical Treatments in New Delhi

We provide the following services:

– Receiving the patient from the airport to the hotel for free

– 3 days free hotel reservation

– Providing translation to the patient for free

– Accompanying the patient throughout the treatment period for free

Cases that we receive with guaranteed treatment:

1_ Opening the heart arteries

2 _ Treatment of all heart diseases and surgeries

3_ Kidney and liver transplantation and treatment

4_ Hip and knee replacement

5_ Dental implants and fixation with complete treatment

6_ spinal bone marrow transplant

7 _ Urinary sewage diseases in full and their operations

8_ Cancer diseases and their operations

9_ Diseases of the esophagus with complete treatment

10_ Diseases of the vertebrae and their operations

11 _ Eye diseases and operations

12 _ Dermatology with full treatment

All treatments and operations are excellently available, whether small or large.

Other services and facilities:

1 – Curative medical services for all diseases and in the most modern hospitals and under the care of the most experienced and skilled doctors:

All operations and treatments are under the supervision of highly qualified specialist doctors in Indian hospitals.

2- Cost and treatment times:

After providing us with the required medical reports, the necessary cost of treatment and the duration of stay in India, New Delhi, will be determined, as well as the dates of the meeting with the attending physician and the dates of treatments or operations, if necessary, and with the accompaniment and supervision of the best doctors.

3- Entry visa to India (visa)

The patient is provided with an invitation letter from the hospital to obtain the visa easily.

4- Mobility and transportation:

Free transportation for the patient and his companions from the airport to the hospital or hotel, according to prior agreement, by car or ambulance, according to the patient’s health condition, and then to the airport after the end of the treatment period.

5- Translation services:

There will be qualified Arabic translators for communication between the patient and the medical team.

6- Food:

Arabic cooking and halal food.

7- Patient facilities:

The patient’s companion has the right to stay in the hospital as long as the patient stays there. The patient and the companion have three meals a day.

8- The hotel:

Helping the patient and the facilities to find the appropriate hotel near the hospital after leaving it and staying to complete treatment or recuperate.

9- Entertainment and shopping:

A – A day devoted to visiting the tourist attractions and important places in the city where the treatment or cosmetic treatment is performed (New Delhi)

B – A day devoted to transporting the patient and the accompanying person to the Indian markets for shopping or buying beautiful souvenirs.

Finally, from us, the work team, all the best wishes and prayers for permanent health and long life.

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